How to Play HD PVR Videos on Mobile Devices
>Video Conversion> How to Play HD PVR Videos on Mobile Devices

How to Play HD PVR Videos on Mobile Devices

November 19, 2013 6:31 pm / Posted by to Video Conversion
Follow @IanLam1991

HD PVR box records TV programs in high definition with .pvr extension, which makes it hard to be played on mobile devices like Samsung Galaxy (Galaxy SII & SIII, Galaxy Tab, Galaxy Note), Kindle Fire (Kindle Fire HD), Android Phone (HTC, Nexus), Windows Phone (Nokia Lumia) and more. This could be a contradiction, because HD PVR was designed to facilitate people in recording their favorite TV shows when they not free, while being not able to play HD PVR videos on mobile devices could be another inconvenience. As we know, mobile devices are that much popular among people today!

In order to resolve this contradiction, I’ve search the Internet for many times and finally figure out that the best solution is to convert PVR recordings to certain mobile devices-friendly video formats with a professional third party HD PVR Software. According to Google Search result, I can draw a conclusion that Doremisoft PVR Video Converter (PVR Video Converter for Mac) could be the best HD PVR software to help users convert PVR to Samsung Galaxy, PVR to Kindle Fire, PVR to Android Phone, PVR to Windows Phone and so on. Therefore, if you want to play HD PVR videos on mobile devices, you should download this powerful Video Converter and follow the operation guide below:

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Transfer PVR videos to the HD PVR software

Import the PVR videos to your computer beforehand, then launch the PVR Video Converter and click ”Add File” to locate the PVR videos from your computer.


Set the targeted output format

Multiple preset output format for devices is available in the ”Profile” drop-down list. For instance, you can convert PVR to Samsung Galaxy (Galaxy SII & SIII, Galaxy Tab, Galaxy Note) , PVR to Kindle Fire (Kindle Fire HD) , PVR to Android Phone (HTC, Nexus) , PVR to Windows Phone (Nokia Lumia), etc. effortlessly.


Start converting PVR to mobile devices

Hit the big green button and leave the professional HD PVR software to finish the rest. After the conversion, you can import the converted videos to any mobile devices and play on them.

Video Converter

Video File converter, good movies converter to Convert video and HD video to almost any video formats and for playback on all major mobile players.

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